hahahaha, jag älskart. bara en liten del av våran lektion

› erica. / säger:
är du där?:D

matilda. säger:

 oh yes i am!

› erica. / säger:

 what are you doing? ;P

matilda. säger:

good english nothing, just chilling. and you?

› erica. / säger:

 haha thanks, im working on it. Cant we just talk english tonight? im just about to go down and wasch some clothes.. booooring

dont care about my spelling

matilda. säger:

 oooooh, your such a sweetie


 off course we can

› erica. / säger:

 hahaha (laugh)

matilda. säger:

 im dying

› erica. / säger:

 but hey! Im sooooo (sugen..??) on cheesdoddles and cuttonfluff

matilda. säger:


› erica. / säger:

 so we have to bay it befor or after the dinner

 aaaa, sockervadd they call it in sweden

matilda. säger:

oooh, aha... okey, yes we can.. but im on a diet

› erica. / säger:

 they have it on casablanca,

 i dont give a fuck:fd

matilda. säger:


› erica. / säger:

 so whats your plans?? should i come to you later?
your CRIBB
you are so lasy

matilda. säger:

 haha, what?

› erica. / säger:

 jaa, vad e planen? ska jag komma till dig sen?

matilda. säger:



› erica. / säger:

 till ditt cribb/lägenhet/bo

matilda. säger:

 nej men de spelar ingen roll

› erica. / säger:

 hahah but you did not understand

okey, but the food..?

matilda. säger:

 oh yes i did but you called me lasy

  › erica. / säger:

do you bring it here?

matilda. säger:

oh yes.. im cooking in your kitchen



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